MCBR and KoreAMMR collaborate for hands-on workshop on 3D bioprinting

Manipal Centre for Biotherapeutics Research (MCBR), MAHE, Manipal inaugurated a 4-day workshop on 3D Bioprinting in collaboration with Kore Additive Manufacturing and Medical Reconstruction Pvt. Ltd. (KoreAMMR), Mumbai. The program was spearheaded by Dr. Sharath K Rao, Pro-Vice Chancelor, Health Science, MAHE, Manipal, Mr. Chaitanya Doshi, CEO KoreAMMR , Prof (Dr) Raviraja NS, Professor and Coordinator MCBR and Dr S.V. Kirthanashri, Associate Professor & convenor workshop, MAHE, Manipal.

Prof (Dr) Raviraja NS, Professor, and Coordinator MCBR welcomed the gathering and stressed on the importance of industry-academia collaboration to set up a centre of excellence in 3D Bioprinting to foster Indigenous product development in this area.

Dr S.V. Kirthanashri, Associate Professor & workshop convenor briefed the objectives of the four days hands-on session and how this would lead to translating the research idea into 3D bioprinted products. Mr. Chaitanya Doshi, CEO KoreAMMR & workshop convenor highlighted the partnership objectives of MCBR & KoreAMMR focusing on developing products for the betterment of human life.

 Dr. Sharath K Rao, Pro Vice Chancellor, Health Science, MAHE, Manipal said, “Employing modern technology like 3D Bioprinting in the quest for organ donations is essentially using science in the service of those in need. The workshop is aimed at providing hands-on experience on the basics of 3D bioprinting, including the design, fabrication, and characterization of 3D bioprinted constructs. The participants will learn how to use various biomaterials, cells, and bioinks for 3D bioprinting applications. The workshop will also cover the current challenges and opportunities in the field of 3D bioprinting, as well as the ethical and regulatory aspects”.

To wrap up the session, Dr Abhayraj Joshi, (Assistant Professor) proposed the vote of thanks. Ms. Prachi Agarwal, Dr. TMA Pai Research Scholar was the master of the ceremony for the inauguration function.


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